This morning we went to the Colonia for juice, eggs and fruit.
While there, we took our usual walk about town - a different route this time.
It is was nice day for a walk in the Colonia, the weather wass much cooler. High North winds and cloud cover have brought about this change.
Another church
Another home
Monday is the day several businesses are closed. This lady runs an store that sells household items, I see she is putting a face lift of the place for tomorrow's opening
On different days different things appeal to me or perhaps I just notice things differently. These paintings are on the outside walls of the community library.
They depict the Mayan history and culture
This is the check out counter at one of the fruit markets we like to shop at.
No head on this chicken Shirley, I checked before I took the photo. Do you notice she is covering the meat up after it is cut, in the past it would lay open to the air and flies until it was sold. Can't help wonder if that has changed its flavour.
Today's flower picture for my green thumbed readers
A cluster of bananas on a banana plant across from the bus stop
A cute puppy for the animal lovers
Although there aren't many people on the beach today due to the high winds and cooler weather, it is a great day for Kite Surfing
This fellow never did get up on his board. We spoke with him later, he said his kite was not big enough to catch with wind and take him out.
This fellow had no obvious problems other than having a friend to heavy for his kite.
We took a long walk this afternoon up the beach looking for sea beans - No Sea Beans!!
Memories for Bob and Edith
Dinner this evening was at Dona Triny's, we both opted for fish - again DELICIOUS!!
There are no pics of the Moon Cactus tonight - we came up the back street to pick up laundry. Too many things to do here, just can't work them all in. LOL!
Today marks the end of our second week!! - Only two left :(
On a happier note CLINTON, LEIGH, AVA AND JED COME IN TOMORROW!!!! Their flight should arrive at about 12:40 in the afternoon - can hardly wait!!
Buenos noches!!!! Hasta manana ;)