Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday Feb 11, 2012

A few pics from our morning walk. The day is overcast with a humid index of 33 degrees C. AWESOME compared to what you have at home!!

 Fences at the community school are covered with broken glass secured in cement for security

 Another fixer upper

 An Iguana has taken up residence

 The mangrove is working on land claims

 Stained glass at the Catholic church here in the village

Fresh homemade banana muffins purchased yesterday from Pan De Donna Pily with our morning coffee and baileys put a nice finishing touch on the morning's outing.

When Bob and Edith got back from their morning jaunt Edith had blisters on her feet from her sandals - or so she said. They immediately went to the bedroom where Bob played doctor. She came out with lots of bandages on her feet but the words and sounds coming from the bedroom while they were in there were definitely X - Rated!! Old Farts eh??

Mid afternoon we had some rain which only lasted a short time, long enough for us to move the patio furniture and close windows, then the sun came out again. Had a great afternoon on the beach after the rain.
 After our beach time we freshened up and went to this restaurant for dinner. Isn't the name catchy "The Paunch Is First"   - La Panza Es Primero - Great place to eat, we will be back.

Evening view from the open dining room

Allan enjoying his chicken fajitas and hiding his paunch

When we returned to our Casa we watched a movie and called it a day.

Hope you have enjoyed our day as much as we did. Until tomorrow bueno adiĆ³s amigos!

My English spell check has quite a time with Spanish spelling.