Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 27, 2007

Here we are standing on the threshold of another Christmas Season, Saturday was spent shopping for gifts and Sunday we put up the outdoor lights. Next Sunday is the first Sunday of the Advent, I don't usually get into the swing of the Christmas Season until then but this year I am a little bit ahead of the rush.

December 1 is Allan's birthday, the Fire Dept Christmas dinner/party and more shopping! The indoor decorating comes next with the planning of my annual Christmas Party with the Grandkids which will be held on the 15th. We all have a great time with games, prizes, crafts, laughter, and lots of food. The craft project is making a Christmas gift for their Great Grandma.

This motivator is my gift to you today:

Joy of being you

To get where you wish to go, you must take an active role in the journey. Though many good and valuable things are constantly flowing into your life, it is up to you to make something meaningful out of them.

No one else can live your life for you. That is your biggest responsibility and your greatest opportunity.

Your dreams and desires, passions, opinions, preferences and interests are yours for a reason. The more sincerely and completely you give life to them, the more genuine fulfillment you will know.

Beauty is what you know it to be. Joy is what you experience it as being.

The meaning of life is the meaning you give to it. Deep down, you know what to do.

Dive into the pure joy of being you. For there is so very much you are able to be and to give.

-Ralph Marston