Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 5th - 11th, 2017

Sunday February  5th was Super Bowl Sunday, 
all bars that have the ability that day show 
the game on wide screen, Ole's was one of the 
restaurant/bars in the Colonia set up to view the game

Theresa had a tooth filling done at Dr. Gene's. 

A little R&R pool side one afternoon.

We met with Sharon (MacDougal) Durie and her husband Dennis, for dinner at Ricardo's Restaurant in the Port one evening. Great food, refreshing drinks and great company can not be beat!

One afternoon we went to Cancun and again met with 
Vic and Jayne Welton, this time for lunch in the Hotel Zone.

Something tells me there is going to be 
a cat fight in the alley tonight! Right after this photo was taken the couple on the right fell off the wall....too funny.

Neighbourhood children playing in their indoor pool.

A new flower (Passion flower) we found on our grocery trip to Chedraui's one day -

Quite an interesting specimen for sure,

and this fruit ( Passion fruit) also grows on the same vine.

This information below was provided by one of our followers:  Thanks Donna
Donna Den EngelsmanThis flower is named after the "passion of Christ". Each part of the flower is representative of the events of Easter

 One of the earliest known Europeans to encounter the flower was Nicolรกs Monardes (c1493 – 1588), a Spanish doctor in Peru in 1569. In 1745, Carl von Linnรฉ (c1707 – 1778) classified the plant in 1610 that Emmanuel de Villegas, a Mexican Augustan monk, seems to have been the first person to note, or record the symbolism attached to the plant’s anatomy and made sketches that were sent back to Europe.

Christian Symbolism

In early times because most people could not read or write, in Christian art and teaching, flowers were used as symbols representing profound metaphysical ideas and concepts to make it easier for the uneducated mass of people to understand. In some cases symbols were taken from the earlier pagan times before Christianity. The Passion flower became part of this tradition when it was adopted by early Catholic missionaries and brought back to Spain from the New World.

Symbolism of the Passion Flower 

The symbolic use of the Passion flower was to help people understand the Passion of Christ and the Crucifixion. It was seen in the following way, ‘The whipping and scourging of Christ is represented by the tendrils. The pillar of the scourging is represented by the flower column. The Crown of Thorns is the 72 filaments that encircle the head. The three nails are symbolized by the top stigma and the five wounds of Christ are the five anthers. The style is the sponge that moistened Christ’s lips with vinegar. The spear blade that pierced his side is seen as the leaves (some species only). The blood of Christ is the red stain from the plant and the round fruit of the plant symbolizes the world he came to save. The fragrance of the flower represents the spices prepared by the women. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

It was necessary that we make a second trip into Cancun this week, traffic was very slow. One of the reasons was this little fender bender.

The second reason was due to construction. The trip was twice as long in time as it normally would be. Construction also happens in Mexico during tourist season.

While in Cancun we stopped at Taberna, close to the Home Depot for dinner. The day we went to Cancun with our building contractor and his wife (Carlos and Laura) we ate here. The drinks are always cheaper if  you buy 2.

Dinner was very tasty! I had the breaded chicken with pasta and garlic bread,

Theresa had a pasta dish with garlic bread also - another to die for meal.

This is our happy selves at Taberna Sports Bar in Cancun.

Sharon, Allan and Howard went on a 
fishing trip with Abraham and his crew one day this week. 

The fishing guide Abraham on the left, deck hand on right  and boat captain Carmen, standing at back of boat.

This was a portion of  their catch for the trip

 Sharon was catching 2 at a time they said.

Howard waiting for his next bite.
Some of the fishes were given to needy families, we had enough for 2 meals and Sharon and Dennis had a meal they shared with friends. The balance of the fishes were kept by the Captain and crew to be distributed among their families.

This was the pile of fillets we prepared for the dinner we shared with Sharon and Dennis .

Ladies in the kitchen preparing vegetables (which included
 re-baked potatoes) and salad.

Howard cooked the fish outside in Bev Maguire's cast 
iron fry pan on the induction hot plate. We have 
guardianship of Bev's special cast iron fry pan here at Casa Pura Vida. It came with specific instructions on how to cook with it and how to clean it. Howard was amazed at how well it cooks and how easy it is to clean, he going to get his cast iron pan out when he gets back home and try to season it like Bev's. 

A full and satisfied look on Dennis'  face.

Sharon and Theresa sharing memories of their youth in Espanola High School.

Dennis trying to look like a Mexican Mariachi. 

Earlier in the day when Sharon and Dennis came to the 
colonia we did a bit of a walk about. Above are children 
at play in a school yard.

We took them to a little nacho factory, it is quite an interesting little place and the workers invite you in to look, take photos and have taste samples. They start out as a round tortilla about 6 inches across which is cut in 4 triangular sections, which are run on a conveyor belt into a dryer.

Once dry they move along the belted system into a deep fryer, from there they continue along being allowed to air dry.

At the end of the process they are bagged.

Once bagged, the bag is manually taken to a heated sealing unit operated by foot lever and then placed in cartons to be delivered for sale. These nacho chips are so much more tasty than the ones bought in the stores.

The walk about ended at the cemetery of course, like every great journey.

On our way to the grocery store we pass this BBQ
 where (every day) they cook  chickens 

and spare ribs.

This was an unusual sight for us, this truck 
is loaded with green bananas.

There are many markets along the roadsides 
this year in the colonia, 

 not only produce but clothing, shoes, make up, 
electronics  and so much more.

On one of our shopping trips this week we stopped at Ole's for a light lunch and drinks. They love to see Theresa come because she orders mixed drinks. This day she ordered a large (grande) Margarita. 

We called for a taxi for her when we were ready to leave as she was a little tipsy, but it was busy with another client at the time, so...

Howard guided her home. LOL

This street dog is keeping his belly cool on the cement in the shade. The weather has been just wonderful every day, we are sure going to miss it after we arrive back in Canada on March 7th.

This was the goings on in our lives this past week, so 'till next time stay safe and show love and kindness to your enemies, it will drive them crazy!!
