Tuesday, January 12, 2016


More work on the house today - many little things need to be done. It was raining so the first thing I did was pay my Canadian bills - even in Mexico you can't forget those. For some reason they don't take a holiday while you are on vacation.

Allan cleaned the slider tracks on the windows so now the windows open and close freely.

I cleared some items from the kitchen cabinets, then I went back through them and decided to keep some. It is really easy getting rid of stuff here - you set your unwanted items outside the gate on the sidewalk and within a short time it disappears. Like Knox Rummage sales with no money involved. Wonderful.

Later in the day our very good friend Kris took us to Playa del Carmen to do some shopping for the house. What an afternoon of great shopping - so much accomplished! Yes Shirley - I shopped with my list and stroked each item off as we put it in the cart. Shirley calls me "the list queen" because I am always making lists of things to do, over the years she has had many a great chuckle  at me and my lists. I haven't told her that I have a memory disorder called "CRAFT" disease. I Can't Remember A Frigging Thing!

While on our shopping spree we looked at air conditioners

 and we looked at furniture


At the end of your time in this store we came out  with 2 carts full  plus a few more items.

We bought ceiling fans, furniture for the patio and more.

Who says grass doesn't grow in a parking lot?


When we came back to the Colonia we stopped at Ole's for supper. Our favourite place because they sell draft beer on tap.

and they serve a variety of sizes 
of the tasty golden coloured liquid.

Cheers to a successful day shopping. Cheers to you too Elaine, I know you are not a beer drinker but I think you would enjoy one this size - about 1/2 of a cup.

Our waiter was Louis again

We ordered fries with our dinner, 
here is the restaurant owner/chef Manuel preparing them fresh.

They were served to us before our main meal and they were very tasty - the first place here in Puerto Morelos that we have been able to buy them. Fries have become common in restaurants here now but they are of the frozen variety, not as good as the fresh potato fries for sure.

 I had garlic fish filet while

Allan ordered the beef shish kabob  and Kris had hamburger. 

A great end to a wonderful day. 

One week today since we have arrived and the time has just flew by.  We are really enjoying our Casa and the work we are putting into it. 

Cheers and good night!