Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thursday May 27th, 2010

Banff to Kamloops

The photo opportunites were abundant! Remember, you have to go to the bottom of the page to get to the beginning of the day.

At the end of the day we attended the Dinner/Theatre in Kamloops "Rhythm on the Rails" - it was a very enjoyable evening. 8 preformers put on such an energenic preformance it would have been a shame to have missed it.

This picture is dark because we are going through a tunnel

Allan's Breakfast Eggs Benidict

My Breakfast, scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and caviar

Leaving Banff Station on the Rockie Mountaineer Rail
This was our train coach
The Rocky Mountaineer coming into Banff Station

We are at Banff Station awaiting the Rockie Mountaineer

Banff Station