These dogs greet us every time we walk past to and from downtown Puerto Morelos
Evening entertainment in the square
A little rain storm that came in during the afternoon - took time here to catch up with family on the webcam and Yahoo Messenger; nice change and got news from home at the same time
View from the top of the Star Wars Condo
A view of the Star Wars Condo from the street
The star wars condo from the ocean
the park in Puerto Morelos
same area of the park in Puerto Morelos
The pool at one of the local hotels
Allan weighing in our laundry, their prices are determinded by weight and they do a great job. If you have delicate items it is best to leave them at home or wash them by hand yourself. They use the "KISS" System of doing laundry - "Keep It So Simple" There is no special treatment for special items. The clothes are washed, dried and folded for you and placed in clear plastic bags awaiting your pickup.
Here is a Dodge Dart we have seen in town the last few days
Bob and Edith on their way to the laundry facility - I think they are wondering what delightful surprises they will find in their laundry bag when they take it home tonight. What would be more fun than bikini panties??????