Hey, it is finally here! It is the day the kids arrive. The next post may not be for a few days so if that happens stay tuned because it will get here.
The following pics were taken yesterday.

This fellow is loading up his boat for snorkeling tours
We took Bob and Edith to the little restaurant down by the Mayan Market for coffee in their lovely coffee mugs
One of the waitresses is making tortillas. She starts with a small round ball of dough, puts it between two pieces of plastic
Then preses it in the tortilla press
Here is the finished product
We spoiled ourselves again today - we went walking, had coffee, had lunch and dinner out. Oh, and we managed to work in beach time and all the other things we had to do today. What an awesome bunch!
Edith giving me the evil eye for something I said - I think it was when swinging music was being played on the sound system at our restaurant and I yelled "Edith get off the table!" The waiter gave her a shocked look - it was too funny!
Allan giving me that "I don't see you" look
Bob afraid to ignore me 'cause he could be next on my list. He had his tongue hanging out and his eyes crossed for this one then I threatened him with what I could do with a photo like that.