We have had a beautiful autumn this year, the fall colours have been just out of this world!
We took 5 of our Grandchildren and a friend of theirs on a hike through McLean's Park the weekend before Thanksgiving. The had lots of fun hiding on each other along the trail by hiding in a natural ground hollow and covering themselves with leaves then when the rest of the group would catch up they would jump out of the pile of leaves and scare them. What great fun they had. The times memories are made of. Lady wanted to uncover them while they were hiding so Grandpa had t keep her busy until the joke was played.

In this photo you can see the trails are many and they are well marked out in the bush for walking and mountain biking. Several people from this area use the park. It is 100 acres of bush land that have been donated to the Township of Assiginack for the purpose of recreational walking trails.

Here they are on their way - I am taking the photo; Allan is in the lead and there are 5 kids with the dog in this photo - seems we are missing one - where do you think he is??

Perhaps here you think? You are right - this is the other one hiding in the leaves.

A group photo - they are really happier than some look

McLean's Park is on the New England Road off Highway 6, South of Manitowaning, this is a very pretty section of the Island

The kids were just awed with the colour on this tree

They were also interested in the colour transition on several of the trees such as this one above, many of its individual leaves had all 3 colours of green, yellow and red on them.

Lady has another friend, she came with the Grand kids for a week-end

We did crafts again - a favourite pastime both at camp and at our house

They convinced Grandpa to give them one last marshmallow roast before winter sets in, you can see the weather was cool but not cold enough to disrupt the party.

This looks like the marshmallows were finger licking good!

Sooooo Gooood Grandpa!

Here is our 5 year old enjoying chocolate dessert

After her fill of chocolate she decided to pretend she was a turtle.

I have a chest full of old costumes and other items, whenever the Grand kids come to visit they always like to get dressed up. Here is the bride and her bridesmaid. I am in the background fixing the waist band on the bridesmaid's pj's.

This is the lucky groom

The 3 year old is looking ??? and saying does it get any better than this?

We made a visit to the farm one day, this is our acrobatic Grandson enjoying his climb

The 3 musketeers in the granary

After a good Thanksgiving dinner Clint fell off to sleep, Gadget took full advantage of a nice soft warm spot for a little nap too.

Lady carries her dish sometimes - here she is be looking for her Thanksgiving dinner.

Allan's Garage is coming along - he is now putting in the large doors - they came in a do it yourself kit. No one has offered to help with this task so he is on his own with this one.

We went to the camp early one morning in mid October, here we could see the white frost on the grass in one of the fields on our way

It was a lovely morning - notice the fog on the water

The whole day remained calm and sunny, this was taken in late afternoon

This must be the year of the garage, Dwayne is building one as well. Here he is trowelling his cement.

A little extra in the load allowed for a new step to be placed at the back door of his house, or is it the front door - I am never too sure.

Now that the cement has set up the work really begins.

But Dwayne now feels it is time for a well deserved rest, he and 2 of his friends head North for a Moose hunting trip. These guys never travel light, this truck has 3 Four Wheelers and a trailer, the truck cap is full and...

Dwayne is taking his trailer along with our slow burning stove. They put up a plastic shack and light the wood stove to dry out their hunting cloths - so they say.

Wes, Dwayne and BJ heading out for the big hunt. They came home empty handed but had lots of stories to pass along.

Allan and I went back to Michigan and met with our "U"pper friends again between the 23rd and 27th of this month, we had another enjoyable time with them. Allan did several odd jobs for them during that time that they needed done before the winter sets in.

This time we saw several deer in their back yard

and the wild turkeys were still there

On our way home on the 27th we came upon the results of a snow storm just before we turned off Hwy 2 West of Engadine

We had clear skys most of the way home except for this section of highway, we did have some snow fall while we were driving though here but nothing too severe.

Some people have skeletons in their closts, we have monsters - luckly they only come out once a year - on Hallowe'en

Do you see the family resemblance?
He is so sweet - and to think he is all mine!
Well here we are at the end of another month and all is well. I had lazer eye sergury done on my left eye to repair a hole in the retina last week, and now I am like new again. This brings me up to date with news from our house, so until the end of November do take care,
Keep smiling,