The weather cleared just long enough for a viewing of the Hubbert Glacier - it cleared as we entered the bay and stared to close in as we were leaving - what luck. 
And another pic of the same colours
This is a close up of the glacier - notice the colours of blue and white - awesome!!

Hey, I even used my age to ask someone to take our picture with Hubert Glacier in the background of a picture of us, Why not?? Would you say No to an old lady in her 60's? I didn't think so.

I am sorry to say that a lot of my pics were overexposed because of the lighting of the day but I do hope I have enough pics to give you an idea of what we saw

Nota chance ol' lady!! You think I am crazy??
We never did see him take the plunge, but his mom came up and clapped her flippers together to encourage him to join her in that freezing cold water. When we were coming out of the bay we did see the same ice flow covered in blood but no baby - so he must have made the plunge!

We never did see him take the plunge, but his mom came up and clapped her flippers together to encourage him to join her in that freezing cold water. When we were coming out of the bay we did see the same ice flow covered in blood but no baby - so he must have made the plunge!

Can you imagine coming out of that warm tummy and your crazy momma wanting you to jump into that freezing cold water! 
This was just awesome to see - here is a newborn Stellar Sea Lion on an ice flow - he has just been born - his Mom is in the water trying to encourage him to come in and join her

Here is a Stellar Sea Lion and her baby

Pieces of ice floating in the bay
An ice flow - the grey material is sediment from millions of years ago - hard to believe - ancient history before your eyes!
I took lots of pictures for people with the glacier in the background for them. You could say I used my age to my advantage - who is going to tell at 60 year old woman to go to he-- when I ask them to step aside so I can take a photo of someone else. No one did (lucky me - I likely would have craped my pants if they had.
This was the guide who gave a verbal account as we entered Disenchantment Bay for a viewing of the infamous
This carving is made of cheese
Look at this dish of shrimp - to think I missed it!

Allan stayed back at too these photos. The ice carvings and watermellon sculptures were beautifuly done
A Breakfast Buffet was served this morning in the main dining room - this was a special event because it was our first morning on the ship. Everything you could think of was served, very decretively displayed and lots of it. We were at sea at the time and it was a little rough, had been all through the night, 18 foot waves they told us. Well that explains why I was not feeling too well. I started with scrambled eggs - because of the nausea you know, I wanted something light on my stomach. After the first bite was swallowed, my mouth started to water and the eggs were coming back! I got up and ran to the bathroom - another woman and I were neck and neck at the bathroom door but we both got through somehow and once inside our separate stalls we hurled in unison - Ya had to be there!

Pieces of ice floating in the bay

Hubert Glacier

I went to our stateroom, took some motions sickness tablets and fell to sleep. When I awoke we were in a channel, waters were calm and I was feeling much better. Well enough to have lunch. Too bad it wasn't a spread like breakfast.