The blog is getting lots of hits – makes one wonder if it’s people truly interested or others nosing around.
I have not been as diligent in keeping up regular postings so far this vacation. Perhaps it is because I have shown you so much of Puerto Morelos already that I am reluctant to show repeats. I certainly don’t want you thinking we are not doing much this year. Not so!!
Everyone has a project or hobby – we have been reading, working on the puzzle which is now complete; we brought movies (so far we have watched 2) and microwave popcorn. We have not eaten any of the popcorn yet because we have been so full; there just isn’t room for more. If we cooked it, it would only be for the aroma. It will be saved for the kids.
I am working on an embroidered table cloth and Allan has found some cord that he can not seem to get at home for nautical bracelets he is working on. We all go for at least one walk during the day – on the beach and about town. That is not counting shopping trips and going for dinner. The weather has been wonderful allowing us lots of beach time and snorkeling. I guess we have been so busy there has been little time for blogging.
On Tuesday Clinton, Leigh and the 4 children are coming for a week. There will be lots of pics and updates following their time here . They are not staying with us (perhaps a blessing for all), they will be just down the street a short distance and closer to the beach than us. Their accommodations have a nice pool which we don’t have. Jed is counting down the number of sleeps he has at home before they head out for Toronto where they catch a direct flight 4 and ½ hours to Cancun.
When Dwayne, Nancy and the kids came down two years ago we only had to wait 3 days until they arrived which was better than having this long wait of 2 weeks. We are so anxious for them to get here. I hope the weather holds out for them and they go home with wonderful memories.
Their stay here in Puerto Morelos will give them more of the flavor of Mexico than if they were to stay at an all inclusive. They will have the beach to share with the locals, shopping for food in the markets and grocery stores, attempting to order off a menu in Spanish, travelling on the local buses (collectiveo); bargaining for souveniers and paying in pesos instead of dollars.
All of us are wondering what their first impressions are going to be when they come into town – we will let you know.
Allan says I am rambling so let’s move on to more photos.
What is wrong with this picture? You will find out by the time you get to the end of this post.
Our early morning walk on the beach gave us this display - looks like a party boat!
While at the Colonia on our way to the market we came across this vender on the street corner. Lots of canvases and vibrant colours of yarns for embroidery work.
The only place you find handwork is at the Myan Markets and it is rare to find it there. Usually their embroidery work is done by treadle sewing machine.
Equivilant to our Brinks trucks - one has engine trouble and has to transfer its money to the other truck. Not much security on this transfer.
Zoom in to see the fresh chickens - heads still on and ready for the pot.
This is a great tasting vegetable, we had it with our dinner the other night and really enjoyed it. We found a little store here in Puerto Morelos that sells it made into a candy. Just as good!!
A butcher shop at the market
Fresh cooked pork rinds - OMG they are good. Some even have a thick piece of meat attached.
These are the butchers that served us at the market. I will be back for more!

Take another good look, have you figured it out yet?
These fellows are making fresh juice. Has anyone ever tried beet juice - it is awesome, even better when mixed with 1/4 to 1/2 orange juice. I never would have thought!
You have to look close to see this little fellow standing on a crate to get tall enough to seal the bottles. The bottling is done in the back of the market, when the bottles are filled they are then taken and put in coolers of cold water at the front of the market for sale. These kids are on a mission so don't try to stop them on their way to the cooler - they ignore you - you have to get the juice from the cooler.
This is the back of the market where they make and bottle their delicious juice. Trust me, this is 100% fresh squeezed juice with no additives. It is delicious and a must have when we come to Puerto Morelos. Oh, and just in case you need to know, their juice is great mixed with coconut rum for an afternoon cooler.
A Navy vessel travelling past the puerto
My next attempt at creativity without Allan's toes!
The beach cleaner has not been able to get to this section of beach yet this morning
We are not sure just what this Beach Bar provides to the public. Seems like it has snorkelling tours, booze, umbrellas, tables and chairs and ????? . They are always friendly and bid us the time of day when we pass.
This is our first siting of a squirel in Mexico - he is the same size as those we have back home on the Island.
This is our resident nute.
How are you doing with your children's story? It is time for the next chapter.
This is an interesting piece of work here in Puerto Morelos. No one seems to know what it is supposed to be when it is completed or when it will be completed. They have been working on it for at least 5 years and possibly more. I bet the engineer is having a hayday!
This is what happens to the moon cactus flower after it has blossomed. It blooms only one night then dies.
Pizza at David Lau's
The moon over Puerto Morelos

Have you figured out what is wrong with this picture? - it took me 1 and 1/2 weeks to figure it out.
Well, just today I realized my shoes are not mates!!!I have been wearing them at least once a day since I got here. One is grey and the other is brown, and guess what! I have another pair at home just the same only the feet are opposite colours. ONLY IN THE LAND OF HAW!
Edith is not going to let me live this one down - and the grandkids aren't either. Do you think this will qualify me as a member of a Red Hat Chapter when I return home??
Who would have thought being 60ish would be so much fun!! Ya gotta love it!
Love to all,
from the land of haw