I am having some difficulty in doing my blog this year - how do I keep your interest??? I am thinking if it becomes boring to the audience then I have lost what I have set out to do. Nothing captivating has come to mind as of yet so I will continue as I have in the past.
Yesterday was a beautiful day so we went snorkeling off shore. During that adventure we saw what we later found out were Reef Squid. Check out these sites to find out some interesting things about them.
I was surprised to find out they are calamari mmmmm Good! Had I only have known that at the time.
Later we went for dinner at Hola Asia, it started to rain while we were there - it is now 3:56 the next day and it is still raining. Glad we are here for a month - well that is if it doesn't rain for the whole month or then we will be saying we are glad we were there for 3 good days. It is wonderful to be retired because you know what? It really doesn't matter!
A view of the Square during the rain
The Moon Cactus only has a few blossoms this year. We are hoping there are still some when the kids arrive on the 22nd
Some of you are no doubt asking "What the H_ _ _ does one do in Puerto Morelos on a rainy day?" We sure don't sit and pout over the amount of money we spent to get here - we get out and spend more!
First you have to get out of bed - that comes easier for some on a rainy day than others. Once up you have Baileys in your coffee to get (some of us) into a good mood. Then there are e-mails and facebook to check for those of us lucky enough to have WiFi. We brought along books to read, jigsaw puzzles to do (one lady we met last year remembered us doing one so she saved one more for us - nice of her to do that because the 1500 piece puzzle we brought will be completed before the month's end); I have brought along a small tablecloth to embroidery. I have not done that in years, it is nice to do it again. Then you can always have a nap to get rested up for more physical things to do on the sunny days.
The following pictures will give you a glimpse of our morning.
On our way to the laundromat we came across this fellow getting ready for the day. He was taking full advantage of the rain to get groomed. Notice the broom is waiting for the rooster to get ready for work. Ok, come on, use your imaginations to make a children's story from this photo. Pass it on to your grandchildren and their children some day. Once upon a time in a little Mexican Village called Puerto Morelos there was a ...........................
Not too many people out this morning due to the rain. You think they may all be inside ticked off because of the money they spent to get here?
We found a palm tree to stand under while we waited for the Collectivo. At this time we were in a light mist.

There it is! Not many on the bus today either.

We went to the Colonia for groceries. It was a hoot - this is what we found at an intersection in town. We didn't have a bicycle and Edith can't swim so we had to treck around the flooded area.

We had to walk the curb while holding on to plants to keep from falling into the water. If you look close you can see Edith holding the eggs and trying to keep her feet dry.
We arrived back at our Villa none the worse for wear, spent a little money and had a lot of laughs. A great start to the day!
There have been some changes to my Blog format, both on my part and that of the supporting service company. When I do spell-check it seems to be using Spanish spell-check so all English words come up as misspelled. I have lassoed Bob and Edith into being my spellcheckers and they have had a lot of laughs - so if you find something strange I don't believe they wud have missed it - they are getting back at me.
For those of you that have been following my blog you will remember the card games of last year or rather the lack of card games last year. When we arrived at Bob and Edith's last week I told her I had decided to bite the bullet and brought along a cribbage board. She was delighted. Yesterday I dropped the bomb shell - I informed her I forgot to bring a deck of cards. OOOps!