We are thoroughly enjoying our new Casa, there has been much to do but it is all a labour of love for sure.
Allan replacing the range hood filter
Some of the old furniture going to a new home
New furniture coming in
The small delivery truck is full.

Now that calls for a quick sit and a cerveza.
Louise and Gaston stopped by for a visit with Foxy. This is Foxy with Gaston looking out the window keeping an eye on the neighbour's cat.
Allan cooking dinner (again)
Abraham mixing chemicals for the pool.
During a walk about the community we see more houses being build North of us.
Roof run off being collected in a jug - for reasons we are not sure. One must note - rain water is the only water here without salt. All the water is either cenote water or ocean water, both have salt content.
The recently built and opened Super Aki, another major chain moved into Puerto Morelos this past year.
It has a great selection of merchandise but the isles are empty of shoppers.
Abraham mixing chemicals again for the pool. He is our pool maintenance person and gardener.
The pool has been filled with cenote water and has a salt content which needs to be removed. Abraham put a chemical into the water, circulates it for a while then lets is sit to allow the salt to settle to the bottom. After is has sat a while you can see the white sediment lying on the bottom, it is then vacuumed out and the process continues until the water is clear.
The plumber is back in the pump house, seams on to the fittings wasn't tight and caused a leak which needed to be fixes.
Our contractor Mario is on scene to check the damages and repairs.
We are back in business - it is time to use the pool!
This the other side of the wash board I mentioned in a past post. Still not a good picture but you see just below Allan's hand the ridges in the bottom of the unit. That is the scrub section, beside it is the portion that holds the water and detergent.
The old sofa set going to a new owner
Abraham teasing Allan with his knot tying abilities
Removing old worn blinds and cleaning windows - the guest room is being done first as we have company coming on the 25th - need to have it ready.
The guest room has been the storage room. It is slowly getting cleared out and our process of adjusting continues.
Allan is being like a Mexican, climbing ladders and working in his bare feet or sandals.
Gas fitter are finishing the work on the bbq - the right part finally came in.
Allan showing off while turning valves on and off for pool maintenance. I certainly hope Abraham doesn't get stuck in here when he is here alone doing this job. He has a heavier build than Allan does.
I found the thermometer Bev - thought I has lost it and was feeling so bad! This is the temperature in the house on Saturday the 16th.
The BBQ is ready for action!!
Single bed frames for the new beds in the guest room! The were just made and sell very strong of paint stain so we have them outside airing off before setting them up inside.
The electrical pipeline for the Air Conditioning system that is being installed.
We went into the Puerto for dinner on Saturday, it was nice being back in familiar space.
They were setting up in the park for
evening's entertainment. Zoom in on the licence plate - gotta love it!
We ate at one of our favourite restaurants - Las Palmeras
This was our view - open air restaurants are the best.
This is the inside - a relaxing atmosphere.
And this was dinner - fish grilled. Delicious!
Many young and old were out attending the circus entertainment in the park.
Our friend Abraham (in his artist hat tonight) is back in the park painting for his pleasure and ours.
You have to love the dogs here in Mexico. They are so content on the streets - they are a part of the fabric of the community.
An interested customer
Musicians in the park are a common site and make enjoyable music to the ear.
This is the house temperature late in the evening
of Saturday the 16th.
The perfect ending to another day in Paradise.