This is Rudy from the Finca Cafe, a visit to Puerto Morelos
would not be complete without a visit to the Finca and meeting him!
The infamous cofee roaster at Finca's
This is the army base in Puerto Morelos - it is inhabited by army personel; we often see them riding around in their trucks with machine guns mounted on the back. Our obvious question was "Why?" Well the answer is simple - this is a major drug channel from Columbia. The ships and high speed boats drop off drugs in the ocean which are picked up by fishermen and brought to shore where they are transported by land to the US. Who'da thought!
Sad to see these vacant buildings, Wilma did a lot of distruction here - Peurto Morelos was the worst place hit along his coast. Many people were unable to replace what they lost.
Here is the cactus moon flower tonight - lots more blooms. I found out these come in a variety of colours, yellow, pink, red too I believe -this one is white
This Market is in town every Wednesday from 7:30 in the morning until late afternoon.