it had no leaves and yet it had plenty of mauve flowers

You must think I am really spoiled at home! But do you know
what? When you gotta go - you gotta go. Speaking from experience it really doesn't matter whether there is a seat or not, it doesn't matter if there is toilet paper and it really doesn't matter how clean the facility is - you will use it "I guarantee it!!"
Fencing around the town square/park
More Spanish architecture from the 16th century
The architecture is of early Spanish dating back to the mid 1500's
Surprisingly we found oranges growing here
perhaps the person before me took the tip.
They pay us to use the bathrooms????? NOT!
They pay us to use the bathrooms????? NOT!
you will also be lucky and find paper towels but don't count on it. Come prepared!!
this is a common finding for public washrooms, the good thing about this one is it has toilet paper! This is a real plus if you don't happen to have tissue with you. Oh, you must remember not to flush the toilet paper - it goes in a waste paper basket. Not what you think - it is not recycled - the sewage system is a leaching system so paper will plug up the works - no seeping of liquids causes a back up of the waste. YUK!!
has at least one carnival at this time of year, it has to do with
celebrations before "Ash Wednesday"

nourishment, top soil is very scarce in Mexico
Are Bob and Edith preparing for a "Valentine's Day Kiss???"
Guess who???
another view of the cenote in Valladolid
A cenote in Valladolid
Here we are in Valladolid - a one man band looking for a place to set up

The watch dog for Piste

The town of Piste
We had lunch here at the Sac-Be Restaurant and Bar in Piste
A lady making fresh tortillas for our lunch - Mmmmmm Good!
The beer bottle dance extended to include the tray and serving glasses!!
The beer bottle dance - they can actually dance a whole routine and not loose the bottle
One of the girls who danced during our lunch break
This is a section of the entrance and parking lot. The tour guide we booked with recommended we travel to Chichen Itza on Sat or Sun because of there being less people travelling. Most tourists are coming to their vacation on Fri, Sat or Sun and use the weekend as relaxation time instead of touring. Good plan!!!!
Allan purchasing us a cold cerveza before heading out on the bus again
Lots of selection and the prices were quite reasonable due to a low level in tourism due to the swine flu scare.
There were several tables set up along the way with wares for sale

The pyramid at Chichen Itza also know as "the pyramid of Kukulcan" it is the Maya calander formed in stone. When we were here 8 years ago we were able to climb
The observatory

Some of the ruins in Chichen Itza
This is our guide Almando, these guides are archeologists, they are required to have 3 years of training after high school then to maintain their qualifications they have to spend 160 hours every 4 years for upgrading
inside the souveniere shop
I bought a silver mexican hat charm here

children were drowned in the form of a sacrifice to the gods

these steps up to the top, that option is no longer available
due the the deterioration of the steps

I bought a silver mexican hat charm here