Liz arrived on Sunday December 18th, her flight was a bit late which gave us time for a cerveza and people watch.
She had lots of luggage - most of which was brought to be given to the schools, dentist and children on the street. When we arrived at our casa and she was putting her things away she realized she didn't have her computer ipad! We had a friend try to call the bus company but he couldn't find a phone number. We considered it lost :-( that really put the damper on her excitement of being here in Puerto Morelos with us.
We went out for dinner at El Pesquero in the port
We always get the most delicious meals there
Our favourite waiter Xaviar is still working there
Musicians were playing Christmas music in the park
Even the little ones were swinging to the music
There were many vendors in the park - this fellow was spray painting.
Liz liked the picture of Chichen Itza - she asked how much, I started to bargain for her -then she walked away. I was left with having to buy the painting! After this she is on her own. LOL
The new shop on the corner coming into town is a very controversial topic due to the forcefulness of its sales staff. This seat is outside so we took the opportunity for a photo.
One of the houses in the Port all decorated for Christmas.
Monday morning we took a walking tour of the colonia. This Christmas tree is in one of the produce markets.
There are many vendors along the streets, this is one selling fresh chickens.
Liz was giving out puppets and stuffed animals along the walk
Liz found Rich a truck, it even has its name
scratched into the door.
Allan found lumber
This is the new Municipal Palace - decorations look so different during daylight hours.
Christmas cupcakes at the super market
We spent the evening relaxing by the pool
The next day was our day to pass out the items Liz brought for distribution to the schools and the dentist.
We are off!
We went to the closest school where we were invited into the class room of the grade 3 students. They were so pleased with the items we brought.
The children have made a collage for Christmas in a display case on one of the buildings.
There are many wall murals in Puerto Morelos this year. So nice to see instead of graffiti.
A Mayan house made of sticks in the squatters section of town.
This is the entrance to Calle Propela (Propela Street) off Calle Vallarta (Vallarta Street) such a pretty view.
Flowered trees on our street - Calle Goleta
Later that morning we went with Dani to her dentist appointment and delivered to Dr Gena the bundles of tooth brushes Liz brought for us.
After the dentist appointment we took Dani and Kris out for lunch at La Panza es Primo. Kris is our God send - she is not only our property manager, she helps us with our support of Dani for school and her dental work.
Kris and Dani
Liz said it was the best Caesar - Shrimp Salad she has ever had.
Allan enjoyed his Burrito too
During our walk about town following lunch we found these fishermen cleaning the morning's catch
Dive equipment from the morning's
diving excisions was hung to dry.
Liz had a look inside the Alma Libre Book Store
Liz's first tour of the Catholic Church of San Jose in the Port
The pool was a welcoming touch at the end of our hot walk about town in the Port.
Liz struggling with Allan's lap top to get messages home letting her friends know that all is well.
I added a small nativity scene to my Christmas decorations - the tree is 16 inches high.
We took Dani to Playa del Carmen and boarded the ferry to Cozumel - to take the Atlantis Submarine ride.
Dani with Allan looking at the sights

Allan, Dani, Liz and I
The Nativity Scene by the port entrance on Cozumel
This looks like so much fun - water shoots up from jets in the park floor, so you get wet while the water is shooting up and again when it is falling back to the ground.
Allan, Dan and I were literally in Cozumel
Liz and Dani having fun
The Park across the street from the church shown below
The Corpus Christi Catholic Church
We stopped for refreshments - Dani and Liz
treated themselves to dessert.
This is the Atlantis Submarine as it comes to surface. The boat in the background and our boat sandwich the sub to stabilize it for the boarding and disembarking of passengers.
Lights are not used to shine on the coral and fishes as they were in the past because they do not want to disturb the sea life. They want to keep it natural.
Because of the lack of light colours disappear, at our depth all creatures were in greys and blacks
A stingray
A sunken ship used in diving excursions
Dani with Allan looking at the sights
This is our vessel the Altramar ferry which took us on a 30 minute ride to Cozumel
Two of Norwegian Cruise Lines ships
Allan, Dani, Liz and I
The Nativity Scene by the port entrance on Cozumel
This looks like so much fun - water shoots up from jets in the park floor, so you get wet while the water is shooting up and again when it is falling back to the ground.
Allan, Dan and I were literally in Cozumel
Dani with Castro
Liz and Dani having fun
We went for a ride about the town in a horse drawn carriage, what an interesting experience that was for all of us.
The Park across the street from the church shown below
The Corpus Christi Catholic Church
So beautifully decorated inside
The end of our sightseeing tour.
A mariachi stopped by to play some music - Ava, we had him play Jingle Bells just for you! It brought back great memories of wonderful times. :-)
We stopped for refreshments - Dani and Liz
treated themselves to dessert.
This is the Atlantis Submarine as it comes to surface. The boat in the background and our boat sandwich the sub to stabilize it for the boarding and disembarking of passengers.
Lights are not used to shine on the coral and fishes as they were in the past because they do not want to disturb the sea life. They want to keep it natural.
Because of the lack of light colours disappear, at our depth all creatures were in greys and blacks
At our deepest point we were 108 feet below surface.
The edge of the Santa Rosa Wall - the edge of the wall is in about 100 feet, the drop off is about 2000 feet deep
A stingray
A sunken ship used in diving excursions
This was our entertainment on the ferry ride back to Playa - he wasn't worth a tip - sorry.
It was a rough sea back, Liz used the time to nap.
We heard her ever so softly snoring too!
When we arrived back at Playa we were all tired and hungry.
When we were waiting for the ADO bus to take us from Playa Del Carmen back to Pueto Morelos Liz spoke with an ADO rep about her tablet. She was told they would need her ticket in order to start a search for it.
Very apprehensive about the finding of her tablet she left for Playa del Carmen at about 10:30 a.m.
Allan and I stayed at home and did some household tasks, my first load of laundry got soaked with the rain so it got rewashed and kept inside along with the other two loads until the following day for drying.
A cool rainy day seemed like a good day for the crackling fireplace on TV. Thanks to youtube and chromecast.
At 5:00 o'clock Liz returned with her tablet - it was the Canadian flag sticker that aided in the identification of the computer. We never thought she would see it again!
We celebrated with a bottle of wine Liz bought in Playa while waiting for the bus to deliver the tablet and Shanghai pizza.
Today we went into the Puerto for lunch and a walk on the beach.
A beautiful view from the Pangea Restaurante
The dock was a busy place today, fishermen
coming in from their fishing trips, and others were just enjoying the beautiful day.
This was the first time we saw the marine rescue boat docked in the port,
It was powered by 3 - 275 horse motors.
On of my favourite views of the lighthouses.
This and the following few pics are from our walk up the beach.
After the beach walk we stopped at the grocery store on our way back home for a few important items that may be needed if the stores are closed over Christmas
Once we arrived back home it was time to catch up on the internet happenings.
So until next week do take care, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!