There has been a lot of heavy equipment activity on the street behind us, Calle Ninos Heroes. Actually it is right behind the Mayan Handicraft Market on Calle Rojo Gomez. Those loud noises have a way of catching a man's attention, and Allan being no different from other curious men had to go and check it out.
Every day is a busy one here and some days are busier than others. Saturday was one of those days, causing me to see the need to divide it in two separate posts. I don't want to overwhelm the reader with one lengthy post.
A Sewage Treatment Plant is being constructed.
A sewage treatment plant is a positive for this growing community but its location is questionable.
There will be a large amount of mangrove swamp wildlife having to relocate. People are finding that crocs and other swamp wildlife have moved already, some too close for comfort. People here are patient and will wait until the critters move along on their own time and at their own pace.
Allan dropped in to his favourite hair stylist to have his hair trimmed. An annual event.
He looked so good I had to accompany him for dinner.
We ate at the sports bar.
Rueben and Magnolia always treat us special, tonight they provided flowers and a candle. How sweet is that?
It was a very hot day, the evening cooled off some so this dog took advantage of the cooler temperatures for a nap.
Our favourite shop keeper and finger painter "Abraham"
In Abraham's shop he has these two wall hangings for sale.
I'll guess the measurements would be the size
to cover a single bed nicely.
They are both hand embroidered, the photo below shows that. You can purchase either one of these for less than
$300.00 Cdn $!
What a bargain for the purchaser! What an insult to the lady(s) who made them. The work is gorgeous, anyone that has done needle work of any kind can appreciate the time and skill that has been put into each piece. My Mexican Room is full or I would buy one - they are beautiful!
Saturday Morning was the Swim Meet in Puerto Morelos,
who should we find there bright and early but Gaston and his "Foxy" lady.
Hundreds of people (participants and supporters ) turn out for this event each year.
This is a water marker corroded with guck but it could be mistaken for a finalist from last year. Someone has to finish last and what better day to complete the distance than the day of annual event the following year.
This life guard could be saying -
"I don't believe it - he finally made it!"
Later we went to the beach, rented an umbrella and lounge chairs for the day, then did exactly that - lounged for the day.
Kids were making sand creatures,
Moms were lovingly lathering on the sunscreen,
and everyone had a wonderful day.
We left our comfy spot long enough to have
lunch at Ojo De Auga.
It was a great day!