This morning was exciting for us, with the help of Jill Yager from the local charity - we delivered two desk top computers, donated by Faith Charities of Ontario and a laptop computer donated by Joan Wood of Manitowning, Ontario, to the Secondary School in the Colonia of Puerto Morelos. In the photo below we are with Alex the teacher for the computer class at the School and next to him is a student from the class.
Here we are again with another student in the picture
The school greatly appreciated the donations - the students will have much needed computer skills when they finish their secondary school years
Another new eatery in town is "Salciccia", they serve sausages on a bun. We ate lunch here today and they are soooo good!
This and the two pictures below are of the staff working at "Salciccia"
There have been so many changes in Puerto Morelos over the past year it is unbelievable.
There have been new eateries, new shops, older ones have moved. Man, it is hard to keep up!
There have been new eateries, new shops, older ones have moved. Man, it is hard to keep up!
This and the few pics below will show you (if you are one of my blog followers and/or you have been here before) the beauty of Puerto Morelos is still so awesome!
The locals bring their fish to shore and clean them. The scraps are fed to the pelicans who patiently wait a short distance away.
A group going snorkeling off the reef
Allan does not like the sun but I did catch him smiling.
Thanks to Skype we are able to keep in touch with family. Here Allan is talking to Jess, we also called Ava to sing her "Happy Birthday"
We attended the Carnival Beach Party at the Unico Beach Bar - the pics below were taken on our way there
A father and son preparing their fishing lines in hopes of landing one
The door man
The bartender "Megill", he is a hoot!!
His assistant
The cutest drummer I have ever seen!! If I were a few years younger I would be one of his groupies
Later we went to Les Palmeras for dinner - our waiters remembered us from previous years and were disappointed that Edith and Bob were not with us this year
I ordered the garlic shrimp (Edith's favourite and mine) and Allan ordered the breaded shrimp
Another thing that has not changed - still no seats! But it is Mexico - hope it never changes.
Here is my sweet shoe salesman - I consider myself to be a member of high society, I travel to Mexico every year to purchase at least one pair of shoes from the same shop and the same shoe salesman.
These are the shoes purchased this time - they have the Mayan calender on them. Wouldn't you think they should have been on sale since the design is a calender that expired in 2012? He really laughed when I tried to bargain him down for that reason. He is cute.
I found another stray for Colleen - she would adopt this one I am sure. He was so friendly.
These flowers fill the night air with their beautiful fragrance. If Denise McK. is reading this perhaps she or someone else can comment on what it is.

The end of a long day, too much Cerveza - I am pole dancing on my way home.
Good Night!!!
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