6:55 a.m. was the magic hour for us to catch the shuttle from the hotel to the airport. The amount of luggage we had made people look at us in wonder. In total we had eleven pieces! The Shuttle driver was not happy, then again I don't think his day started out well, he was the first drive we have ever come across that did not help anyone with luggage. The short, frail and elderly were watched by him as they struggled to get their luggage up the steps and into the bus..
The wait at the loading gate was only 30 or less minutes -
there were no problems with the excess luggage upon check in - we paid our $158.00. including tax and they were happy to see us on our way.
Usually I'm asleep by the time we are up in the air but was into a good book so the nap was put on hold until later on in the flight.
Allan is patiently waiting for luggage arrive and wondering if we are going to have any problems getting our luggage into the country. We were pulled aside after we put all luggage pieces into the scanner. The bags that caught their investigative eye held the computers! Four of our baggage pieces held humanitarian items - two duffel bags of children's and women's clothing donated by Knox United Church Women - these I will give to Nellie, a local Mexican woman we have known for years. She takes them to the colonia and distributes them among the needy families there. The other two bags carried two desk top computers - donated by Faith Charities of Ontario and a lap top donated by Joan Wood of Manitowaning. All three will be donated to the Secondary School also in the colonia The security personnel looked through the 2 bags and sent us on our way. That was a relief, boarder crossings and security just have a way of sending your heart into palpitations even when you are innocent!!
First thing we did when we arrived in Puerto Morelos was buy a 6 pack of cerveza, after drinking a cold one each we went to the local grocery store for the staples. Next we went out for our first meal this year - to "La Playita" - it is a nice family restaurant on the beach.
Here is the menu with prices
Allan is looking at the view with a thought full look on his face.
I wonder if he is thinking "Wow, we are back!"
as he wiggles his toes in the soft sand
On our way out of the restaurant we came upon
this man selling shrimp for $20. USD per Kilo - Aren't they huge!
Then we stopped at Canitan Habanero for a nightcap
This is El Pirata at their new location across the street from Cantina Habanero
Allan in our condo watching tv while I struggle to update my blog with slow Internet
I don't have Bob, my two legged spell/grammar checker friend and I miss him!!
Oh, I almost forgot - when we were downtown this afternoon a couple came to us - or did we go to them, I am not too sure - anyway the man asked if we knew how to use the Mexican pay phones. We didn't - actually never had any luck getting through to anyone.
Anyway, there is a lesson to be learned here for any of us leaving home. This man and his wife came to a local resort , they pre-paid their deposit with the intention of paying the balance upon arrival. When he went to use his credit card the ccd company put a stop on the card - even though he had contacted them prior to leaving the US letting them know he was coming to Mex. The wife was still able to use her card but since he seemed to be the "ONE IN CHARGE" her card had a very small limit for emergencies - the credit limit was not enough to pay the bill at the resort and he had family coming in for a wedding - he was supposed to pay the shot (family stay plus the wedding)!!
We managed to get him calmed down enough to use his skype service at the local internet cafe. The staff there were extremely helpful and went out of their way to accomodate him, even though he was ranting that he would never come back to Mexico again, he had travelled the world and never had his credit card declined!
The lesson learned - carry more than one credit card each, carry each ccd in a different location in the event one gets lost or stolen, call the companies prior to travel - especially outside of the county and keep a list of ccd company phone numbers in the event you have to contact them.
We never saw he or his wife again so we don't know how the situation turned out, hopefully the wedding was not cancelled and all enjoyed their time in this beautiful country.