We were on our own in Vancouver BC today so we took the city trolley and did a little sightseeing before taking a taxi to our next hotel close to the airport.
Our hotel was just across the corner for this little Irish Pub so we made this our stop for dinner. I had lamb stew and Allan had beef stew - it was really good.
I found a luck elephant
Stanley Park in Vancouver
We had lunch at this restraunt in Stanley Park
Lions Gate Bridge, built by the Ginness Family and sold back to the City of Vancouver for 6 million dollars - which was the cost to build it
The trolley we rode on
A memorial erected at Stanley Park in memory of sailors killed in the harbour
Allan is wishing he could find a tree this big back home
A working light house in the harbour
A view of Vancouver from Stanley Park
Totem Pole
The Totem Pole display at StanleyPark
Another photo of our Trolley
The tide is out
A section of the walking path surounding Stanley Park Vancouver BC