When one says standing room only at Ed's Cantina Habaneros - it is just that "Standing Room Only"

We stopped at Ed's on our way back to the casa

Just a small sample of his talent.

One of his fininshed pieces - done in no time flat!

He has been doing this for 11 years now. He talks and jokes
with his admirors while doing this work

No brushes, just his hands!

Abraham has a great talent and a wonderful sence of humour!

When doing our evening walk-about we met Abraham - the artist. His work is just awesome!!

We had dinner at the "Biergarten"this evening. Here is a picture of Ulanda and Dieter enjoying their special of "German Pork Hocks" - delicious!!

A cactus in blossom

Allan picking up our laundry

Awe, the money truck was in town-we were happy to see that

The flowers were just beautiful. Later in the evening we walked past
and the church was full to capacity with people standing outside.

When passing past the church we noticed it was decorrated for a wedding.

Edith took advantage of the day and went shopping - she has her eyes closed here - I think she is trying to calculate Mexican pecos to Canadian dollars.

An ambulance on standby during the event

Massage Theropists are massaging participants prior to and following their race.

There was a large tent set up and bags in it with numbers (one for each swimmer) on them. I am assuming they held personal items for the swimmers to pick up upon their return to shore. We can only guess where the wearer of the prosthetic devise is!

The pelicans are waiting patiently for this to be over so
they can get back to their fishing

They're off!

As with any event there are lots waiting for their time to participate

There are lots of participants, various classes and lots of excitement

Participants are of all ages and each has a number printed on them

People are collection on the pier, music is playing,
announcments are being made.

We find out there is a swimming competition!

We notice there is lots of activity at the pier - 7 in the morning - this is unusual!
Today we were to go to Coba Ruins, however due to vehicle problems the trip was postponed until Monday. One thing about vacationing in Mexico you have to understand the way of the Mexican - mañana is a word used very often - translated it says "tomorrow" the true meaning is "maybe tomorrow"
Hey, we are on vacation - what else do we have to do other than eat, drink, relax and be happy! So we accept the word mañana and move on with optimism.