it was only 500 pieces, 500 difficult pieces!

Today has been a somewhat quiet day. It started out with a little jaunt to the centre of town for a few groceries, then it started to sprinkle rain. We stopped at Cantina Habanero for coffee then trudged on back to our casa.
There is not much happening here as you may have guessed. The others are reading while I update the blog. Edith took a nap - still hasn't mentioned playing cards - ya think she forgot?? I won't mention it if no one else does.
There is an other event going on at the square later this evening - we are looking forward to it, hopefully is doesn't get rained out.
Tomorrow we are off the Coba Ruins, we are looking forward to that. It will be a first time visit for us.
So, ttyl (talk to you later)- in Spanish I think it is "cauma" charla a usted mas adelante

Burned thatch being removed from the fire site today