Man, this retirement life is a busy one, there are so many things I should be getting done before winter sets in but I just can not seem to find the time to get to them... And I was afraid of being bored when I retired – the joke is on me.
Following the making of our maple syrup we removed the old siding and windows on a rental house here in town. Dwayne gave us a hand - that made the job go a lot faster. The house took on a miraculous change from white with orange trim to a nice grey blue with white trim. Our 4 year old Granddaughter chose the colour, it is one that is not common in town and the tenants are really happy with the new colours... We still have the garage siding on this property to do, it was supposed to get done this fall but Allan is now working on his own garage at our house so the rental unit will have to wait until next spring.
Our garage is coming along quickly, just Sept 23 we had the cement floor poured and on Oct 6 they completed the roof shingles. Dwayne is helping on his days off and our retired neighbour Walter is working with Allan on a daily basis. Allan is really pleased with his two efficient helpers.
Oh , and we put a split rail fence around our patio at the house and a new water system in at the camp this summer as well (to replace the stolen pump from last fall) , so you can agree, we have been busy. For the past few years we have been making a list of things we needed to do at home and the camp when we retired, now we are working on it. You could call it the bucket list I guess. We are not near finished with the original list and it is growing! I hope the money doesn’t run out and we live long enough to finish it!
Entertainment was high on our list of things to do at the camp again this summer, along with the usual dinners with summer friends and neighbours we held a small party to celebrate our retirements and 40th wedding anniversary. It was well attended and we all had a great time. A special thanks to Denise who catered to the event, it took a load off us not having to set up and clean up!
I had my 59th birthday this year and got myself a present, something I have been wanting for the past year. She has a tail, 4 legs and a furry body – I gave her the name “Lady”. Yep, I got a puppy, she is now 5 months old, spayed, adorable and weighs about 50 pounds – I think she is going to be a big dog, You are probably asking “What was your first clue?” She is a mix of Samoan Husky and Black Lab
In August we visited good friends in Escanaba and Bark River, Michigan for a few days, while there we visited the Fayette Historical State Park and Kitchitikipig State Park.
I have included some pics of the day trip but if you would look to see and learn more on these just type in the park names to Google and voila. We enjoyed both parks very much and would recommend it to anyone who is travelling in the area.
Now that fall is here it is my hope to be able to keep this blog updated on a more regular basis, so we will see how it goes. Do keep checking in from time to time to see what is happening in this part of the world.
I am including some pics to let you see how we spent our summer. If you wish to enlarge the pictures to get a better look just put your cursur on the picture and left click you mouse.
Take care and keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you have been up too!
A Pictoral Review of the Summer of 2008 at the Elliott's
This is the Micheal's Bay Road house prior to new siding and windows
Our 4 yr old Granddaugher and Grandpa playing Frisbee, is Grandpa going to catch it?
Lady and her best friend
The new rail fence around our back patio
We planted Virgina Creeper to grow up and through the fence to aid as a visual barrier from the street
The 2 youngest of our Grandchildren her picking haws with their Great Great Aunt so she can make Haw Berry Jelly
Here they are again taking a rest under a cool maple tree after picking haws on a terribly hot day
This is Allan picking haws for us, I made 2 batches of Haw Berry Jelly for the first time ever. Our youngest Grandson just loves it on toast with peanut butter
We were fortunate to be invited to a private performance of the Elliott Family Circus with Ring Master and Trainer both on hand to make us feel welcome.
It was an awesome experience seeing a skeleton dancing let me tell you!
A visit with great friends and relatives Bob and Edith
They serve a great dinner!
We attended a wedding in September, here is the mother of the bride and a good friend of her's kicking up their heels with delight that the event went off well
Allan having a dance with the Bride
The bride in a joyous moment
The Groom, Bride and Mother of the Groom
The next few photos are of Kitchitikipig State Park in Michigan
This boat/raft is pulled from one side of the hole to the other
Another view of the boat/raft
The water is so clear you can see to the bottom - it is 45 feet deep and 45 degrees F
If you look close (in the bottom left corner) you will see fish. This view is taken from the centre of the boat/raft. You stand around a railing and look down. Really neat!
In some areas you can see the springs that feed this large deep hole, where the water comes up there is usually a swirl of sand that draws your attention to it.
Another view
These next photos were taken at the Fayette Historical Park in Michigan
Iron ore was brought here from Escanaba by boat to make pig iron. The company started to work here in 1864 and by 1891 the furnaces closed due to cheaper production by using coal. The fuel previously used was charcoal which these people made from local hard wood. At this time the village of Fayette became a ghost town except for the hotel, tourism and commercial fishermen.
The government purchased the property in 1959 and turned it into a State Park.
Remains of docking facilities
The Company Store
The Local Hotel
Here we are with our Northern Michigan Friends at Herford and Hopps in present day Escanaba - an excellent place to eat!
This is what they get to see regularily in their back yard - wild turkeys - these birds come by for frequent visits to our friends home and to other neighbours in the area
4 of my Grandkids
having cool floats on my back patio
Then a cool dip in the outdoor pool ; certainly nothing fancy but they seemed to think it was refreshing!
Allan caught an early morning sunrise on South Bay
Here are some bashfull friends at our 40th wedding anniversary/retirement party. They are really hinding their faces so you will not recognize them on their 'WANTED" posters
Some others caught in light conversation Denise - she looked after preparing the tables and the steak for us - AND ALL THE CLEAN -UP Great Job Done Denise!
My little princesses
I enjoy these two so much; they are first cousins, only a year apart in age and get along so well together. Allan and our 9 year old Grandson moving slabs for winter use
The young man is learning how to chop wood much to his parents dismay!
The kids and Lady at play
We also watched Monarch Butterflies hatch
Then they were released into the wild
Due to lighting and colours it is difficult to see this one but, here we are on July 1, 2008 - we tie dyed shirts and wore Canada hats while we watched Allan raise the Canadian Flag in our Celeberation of Canada Day We had several get togethers this summer with our South Bay neighbours
This is Davis with his suspicious look ( I don't think he trusts me - go figure!)Shirley - always has a smile and enjoys political conversations - there has been lots of them this summer with the US election coming up
Bill - listening intently so he can make a sound decision and feel confident with his vote.
Roy - below with his sly smile answering and guiding Shirley in the right political direction
This is Dwayne - he is not into politics
Mary Ruth - a great host and another good cook
Here are the 3 men in my life: Allan, Clinton and Dwayne
Our 2nd oldest Grandson and oldest Granddaughter took snorkling lessons this summer in their preparation for their trip to Mexico this winter. They will be snorkling on the reef in front of Puerto Morelos, since having had lessons we all feel more confident in their abilities and knowledge of the sport.
We had brunch with Bob and Edith at Abby's in M'Chigeen.
The food, atmosphere and staff are terrific, I highly recommended that you go there.
Dwayne and the kids enjoying their new boat
Our youngest Granddaughter learned how to snorkle in the hot tub. Ya think she will be ready for Mexico?
Here they all go to Butterfly Hill in hopes of finding Monarch Butterfly caterpillars
Grandpa found some wild strawberries and oh they were so good While taking the kids back home we were fortunate to be at the Little Current bridge when it swung to let boats through
Here is my birthday gift to me; we had a difficult time coming up with a name - once the Grandchildren came it was not too dificult a task. The youngest is in love with Thomas and his trains - what else could a girl train be called but "Lady" Yep Lady is her name and she is our Thomas Dog.
Here they are enjoying the hot tub again
Action below - trying to catch a fish - "God grant me the ability to catch a fish today sooo big that even I don't have to lie when telling about it!"
No fish so were are the marshmallows Grandpa
These pictures were taken at the local museum
If only he knew what it really meant to have to pump and carry water!
Where is the real flower?
Our little 4 year old Granddaughter was the youngest participant at the dance recital. She is taking dance again this year and really enjoys it.
This is our 2nd oldest Grandson participating in a skit at the School Musical this year
He was also in the choir that night
His little sister was in a skit as well - not really sure she was comfortable being there though
The Rainbow District School Board held its annual retirement dinner again this year and there were 3 people retiring from the Island. Shown here are from left to right: Mark Olack, Heather Hutchinson, Allan Elliott and Board member Larry Killens who congratulated them and wished them well in their retirement
Here they are making birthday gifts for there Mother.
not say whose it is or how old he is either! Promise
Look up, look way up at this big machine!
I'll soon have the hang of this!
A new mom and her baby
Here are other moms to be waiting for the bid day in the maternity waiting ward
The new Dad for next year
It really is cow poop! Yuk!
Me with the farm dog - what a pet!
I hope you remembered to left click with you mouse on the photos if you wanted a closer look.