The purpose of going into Playa was to meet friends who are staying this week at El Dorado Royale . Our favourite all inclusive resort!
Once in Playa I immediately went to a pharmacy looking for a cream to put on a rash I have on my arms and legs. I was told it is sand fly bites, let me tell you they are worse than mosquito bites! They tell me not to scratch because it makes them worse - how do you not scratch an itch that will not stop?? I did purchase some cream that helps thank goodness!
When we returned to Puerto Morelos we stopped at Cantina Habanero's for a delicious pizza and cervaza, we visited with members of Frank's Forum and came back to our apartment to turn in early from a long day.
The people here in Puerto Morelos are working very hard to keep their small fishing village from becoming the city Playa Del Carman has become in recent years. I wish them every sucess in their efforts. It is so nice to be able to walk down the streets and see the locals mixing with the tourists on a small town level. Everyone bids you the time of day and smiles - in Playa no one speaks unless they are wanting to sell you something. It is so unique here - I can't help but wonder if our presence (that of the tourist in general) is ruining their way of life in many ways. Several non Mexican residents say Mexico is a 3rd world country growing in leaps and bounds without supportive infastructure. I like many others will keep coming back until they close the boarder to us which will never happen in our day - I can only hope their politicians will soon catch up to modern day infastructure contols.
Bye until tomorrow,