Here I am updating this Blog - we are happy to have the internet access
The usual decorations on the bed and bathroom sink
This was a gift from the owner/property manager for our 40th
Wedding Anniversary
room. The property across the street
has recently been sold - it is expected
a condo will be built and that will destroy this beautiful site.
Hola Mis Amigos De Puerto Morelos
Today has been a much better day – we made it to Puerto Morelos!!
The day has been great – we went to the airport early this morning and found seats were available on an earlier flight which meant we were leaving Charlotte Airport at 11:30 instead on 1:30! We had to go through security again and found out we were selected for a more thorough search – great we thought it’s going to be a repeat of yesterday! Were we surprised? Our security checkers were men – they were so nice to us, they were polite and treated us like we were human – nothing else mattered to them. We had to go through the metal detector and the air puffer machines of course, and then our bags had to be searched. They used a wand to go through the bags and around the lap top – that was it!! I said to one of the men –“ You guys have been so nice to us, I thank you! We were in Buffalo yesterday and were checked through by 3 Bitches – all with PMS’– he laughed and said “I saw that movie – Three Bitches in Buffalo – what a movie! “
I was able to get my hands on my passport shortly there after and when we boarded the plane we were assigned to separate rows but people moved so we could sit together. The trip was great!
We arrived here in Puerto Morelos at about 3 this afternoon, met with the lady that owns the complex, went shopping for food and beer then went for supper. The community is very interesting – we have always stayed at an all inclusive resort in the past – this is totally different and we love it so far!
I will add some photos to this update so you can get a glimpse of what we have for accommodations and the view from here. The community has many little restraints, shops, a grocery store, a liquor store and lots more. It is very Mexican – their residences are nothing fancy, poultry are fenced in small areas and the dogs run free. We are looking forward to having the grandchildren here next year – they hopefully will appreciate what they have when they go back home.
We will be out sight seeing tomorrow so will have more to tell you, and more photos.
Take care,